Real Life In Person Class with Adrienne Geoghegan, Illustration

After a break of two long years – Adrienne Geoghegan is delighted to be back in business! Meeting her students in the classroom, face to face. It has been way too long. Illustration Boot Camp has been going since 2008 with five-star reviews on Google. So join Adrienne then January at the Carmelite Centre in a happy, creative buzzy atmosphere. See course description below:


Email and include 3 to 6  hi-res images of recent work or sketchbook/doodles. Do not worry about what level you are currently at, Adrienne just needs to access your needs prior to signing you up. Then, either pay in full €1,300 or book with a €650 deposit.

JANUARY to JUNE 2022, EVERY TUESDAY 6.30 pm to 9 pm 

A lot of artists and creative people are disgruntled about their lack of time for their personal projects and development. They want AND NEED to get off their habitual thread-mill…. but how? In this ILLUSTRATION BOOT CAMP participants will take a leap into a lively and productive atmosphere with like-minded people. With a little encouragement and some coercion, I, and (hopefully your colleagues!) will sway you into acting upon your ideas. Understanding the importance of the creative process is not theoretical, but hugely personal and experiential. Making time to create new work beyond the commercial sphere can, and will, feed back into a more rewarding (and hopefully lucrative!) career.

This course will especially appeal to those who wish to spend time on personal illustration projects, to those who want to build a strong illustration portfolio, and to visual art practitioners who have an interest in pursuing a career in illustration, either part or full time. We explore the many mediums on offer today and encourage you to go beyond your comfort zone. The main purpose of illustration is to enhance or augment the written word with an image.  So far we have had participants who are ‘dabbling’ for years,  practising graphic designers, fine artists who want to upskill, visual art students, architects, designers, tattooists, animators, and those who want to explore illustration further; not everyone has an art degree, for example, some have taken evening art classes over the years etc. Students will broaden and cultivate their illustration skills in a relaxed and creative environment. There will be discussions, themed projects, critiques, and ‘hands on’ productivity. You will get to investigate different approaches to problem-solving whilst cultivating your conceptual skills, through a variety of media. Projects are fun and relevant to the industry.

Depending on your particular interests, the course includes:

  • Developing your Range
  • Brainstorming for Ideas
  • Experimenting with Different Mediums
  • Looking at Contemporary and Historical Illustration
  • Keeping Sketchbooks, Journals & Diaries
  • Discover Book Illustration
  • What is Editorial Illustration?
  • Poster Design and best way to grab attention
  • Image and Narrative
  • The Portrait as Illustration
  • Portfolios
  • Self Promotion
  • Location drawing on 4 Saturday mornings 10 am to NOOFINAL YEAR EXHIBITION – small separate fee applies to cover gallery costs typically €100 depending upon c

The main purpose of illustration is to enhance or augment the written word with an image.  So far we have had participants who are ‘dabbling’ for years,  practising graphic designers, fine artists who want to upskill, visual art students, architects, designers, tattooists, animators, and those who want to explore illustration further; not everyone has an art degree, for example, some have taken evening art classes over the years etc. Students will broaden and cultivate their illustration skills in a relaxed and creative environment. There will be discussions, themed projects, critiques, and ‘hands on’ productivity. You will get to investigate different approaches to problem-solving whilst cultivating your conceptual skills, through a variety of media. Projects are fun and relevant to the industry.